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KIMKHUN - Living Strong with Type 1 Diabetes

Edited: 20.09.2024

Anne-Charlotte Ficheroulle

Pharmacist, Digital Innovation Manager, A4D

“When I was first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, I was just a child, too young to fully comprehend what was happening to my body,” Kimkhun mentioned as he reflected on the early days of his diagnosis. The signs were subtle at first—constant thirst, unexplained weight loss despite eating more, and an uncontrollable craving for sweet drinks. His energy levels were unpredictable, and the eventual visit to the doctor revealed a life-chronic disease: type 1 diabetes.

Kimkhun’s parents, though visibly concerned, remained strong and compassionate, explaining the condition in a way their young son could understand. Supported by his family, including grandparents, uncles, and aunts, Kimkhun began to adjust to the challenges of living with this chronic condition.

The daily management of type 1 diabetes was daunting. “It was painful for me,” Kimkhun recalls, describing the routine of twice-daily insulin injections and the need to prick his finger several times a day to monitor blood sugar levels. The fear of fainting after physical activity, caused by dangerously low blood sugar levels, was a constant worry.

Initially prescribed Actrapid and Insulatard insulin, Kimkhun found the regimen effective but still challenging. As he matured, his understanding of diabetes deepened, particularly after earning a degree in nursing and working with a type 2 diabetes organization. 

"In 2021, I married the most beautiful and sweet lady, whose love shines through every healthy meal she prepares, nourishing me and supporting me as we navigate life with Type 1 diabetes." — Kimkhun shared.

 Reflecting on his journey, Kimkhun offers this message to others living with type 1 diabetes: “The journey has been tough, but with the unwavering support of my family and my own growing knowledge, I’ve learned to live with and manage my diabetes.”

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