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Wai Yan Aung: The Importance of Seeking Support When Living with Type 1 Diabetes

Edited: 20.09.2024

Anne-Charlotte Ficheroulle

Pharmacist, Digital Innovation Manager, A4D

"When I was 14 and in Grade 9 at boarding school, I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. It was a shocking revelation, but my journey since then has taught me the profound importance of seeking support," shares Wai Yan Aung a young student from Yangon.

Living at school without parents, he was eating everything he wanted, especially fried potatoes and sweet drinks without a second thought. But noticing symptoms similar to his father's diabetes, he reached out to his mother, which led to a doctor’s visit. "Finding out I had Type 1 Diabetes was a shock. But the support from my family, especially my mom, made a lot of difference."

Initially, managing diabetes was difficult, but connecting with Action for Diabetes (A4D) provided invaluable support. "A4D helped me meet doctors like Dr. May Htet Lwin and Dr. Wah Wah Lynn, who adjusted my insulin and monitored my HbA1C every three months. Their support was essential."

Friends at school were curious about his insulin injections, asking many questions. "Their interest, while sometimes overwhelming, highlighted the importance of a supportive environment," he notes. Educating his friends developed understanding and empathy on his condition.

Support systems are crucial for those living with T1D. They offer medical guidance and emotional support, significantly easing the burden of managing a chronic condition. "My family, A4D, and everyone who cared for me kept me healthy and positive."

Now thriving at studying Finance and Accountability, he emphasizes, "Don’t be depressed if you have diabetes. With the right support, you can lead a full life. Everyone has challenges, but with support, we can achieve our goals."

His story underscores the vital role of support, regular care, and a positive mindset in managing Type 1 Diabetes, inspiring others to embrace their condition and live fulfilling lives.

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